1.Because black youth was no future in the street gang has no hope, they hate much more than they love.
2.This promising young lad then plunged into a life of petty crime and was one of the founding members of the Shawpee street gang.
3.Local tipsters help the CSI's fight to save their neighborhood from a violent street gang's attempt to take over the area.
4.However to the annoyance of his father he continued getting involved in conflicts with street gang.
5.The police have done a terrific job of hounding the vicious 204th Street gang [2] , says Najee Ali, a former member of the Crips.
6.Apparently, the basil street-gang members will be so incensed by the laser they will move to someone else's face.
7.Naturally, astronomical fees wereattached to these MBSs, and Henry Paulson of Goldman Sachs was the leader ofthis Wall Street gang.
8.Greg dropped out of high school and joined a street gang.
9.This was a frightening glimpse of the mindset cultivated by a vicious street gang as well as the perception of Americans, and our Country.
10.An orphan, Ak-rev spent time in the urban sprawl of Al-Campur, where he entered the underworld of crime through a street gang.